Support our ministry!
Support the
YWAM's financial structure operates a bit differently than many other missions organizations. Each location is entirely self-funded! We rely on donations to fund most of our ministries. Especially as a small operating location, your donations make a huge impact and allow us to continue operating and doing ministry here in Santiago. Individual gifts allow us to pay our rent, electricity, run our vehicle, buy ministry supplies, host camps, and offer partial camp scholarships!
Support a
Project or Need
You can directly give towards a project or a specific ministry. When you donate, just e-mails us letting us know where you would like the money to go!
Some specific needs are...
1. Ministry Center Building Project
2. Scholarships for NIKO camp
3. Purchase of new (to us) vehicle
For more specifics about any of these contact us!
Support a
full-time missionary
No one in YWAM receives a salary! YWAM staff each raise their own support. This support covers housing, food, ministry expenses, airline tickets, and just general cost of living. To be a YWAM Staff you need to have your own support team, which is normally made up of friends, small groups, churches and family. If you would like to donate towards one of our staff you can contact us for more info!
How to Give
Click below to get relevant giving options.
Give from the Dominican Republic or DR account.
Give from Canada or a Canadian account.
Give from the USA or USA account.
Give from Sweden or a Swedish account.
Give from anywhere else!
Dominican Rebublic
Online - PayPal
Donate by Bank Account or Credit/Debit Card
You do not need a PayPal account to donate by card.
For cards there is a 3.40% fee +$.30
If you have a PayPal account and use your Bank & "To Friends & Family" there is little to no fee. (Ask if you have a question.)
Please include a memo so we know what to put the funds towards.
Online - PayPal
Donate by Bank Account or Credit/Debit Card
You do not need a PayPal account to donate by card.
For cards there is a 3.40% fee +$.30
If you have a PayPal account and use your Bank & "To Friends & Family" there is little to no fee. (Ask if you have a question.)
Please include a memo so we know what to put the funds towards.
United States of America
Online - PayPal
Donate by Bank Account or Credit/Debit Card
You do not need a PayPal account to donate by card.
For cards there is a 3.40% fee +$.30
If you have a PayPal account and use your Bank & "To Friends & Family" there is little to no fee. (Ask if you have a question.)
Please include a memo so we know what to put the funds towards.
Online - PayPal
Donate by Bank Account or Credit/Debit Card
You do not need a PayPal account to donate by card.
For cards there is a 3.40% fee +$.30
If you have a PayPal account and use your Bank & "To Friends & Family" there is little to no fee. (Ask if you have a question.)
Please include a memo so we know what to put the funds towards.
Donate from anywhere!
Online - PayPal
Donate by Bank Account or Credit/Debit Card
You do not need a PayPal account to donate by card.
For cards there is a 3.40% fee +$.30
If you have a PayPal account and use your Bank & "To Friends & Family" fees are lowest (Ask if you have a question.)
Please include a memo so we know what to put the funds towards.