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Hospitality Seminar

We serve a generous and hospitable God, and as believers and YWAMers we understand that hospitality is an expression of God’s character as well as a way of honoring and valuing the people whom He loves so much. We invite you to a special time of gaining more insight into God’s heart for hospitality, as we learn from one another and grow in practical skills that can be applied in our daily lives and ministry. Topics include: the value of hospitality, communication with teams, guests and guest speakers, preparing guest rooms, celebration, and learning how to bake.

Should you be a part of this seminar?

  • Are you a YWAM staff?

  • Do you work with people?

  • Does your base host teams, guests, or run schools?

  • Do you work in the hospitality department?

If you answered yes to any of these, then this seminar was made for you!

In YWAM we work with people! People we are ministering to, with fellow staff, short term volunteers, teams, students, speakers, parents & family members, local pastors, etc! We also host the many people that come through our doors each year. Some for a day, others for 6 months or longer.

Hospitality is a hugely important part of hosting people, and some YWAM bases do it really well! Others don't really have anyone who is in charge of it, or who is equipped to know how to welcome people cross-culturally. Here at YWAM Santiago we have been a part of and traveled to many YWAM bases. We have experienced amazing hospitality and also felt lost and confused at times. How people are welcomed and hosted will have a HUGE impact on their experience at your base and how they feel about the ministry. We don't need to have the best & fanciest accommodations or food. We don't have to have a big budget for events. Hospitality at the core is making people feel welcomed, seen, valued, and celebrated! 

Our heart for this seminar is to look both at both the WHY and HOW of hospitality.

Why do we show hospitality? What does the bible say about it? What are we trying to show/achieve?


How do we take these values and implement them? How do we create beauty on a budget? How do we communicate clearly cross-culturally?

Seminar Details

Dates: June 17-19, 2021

                     Arrival: June 16th & Departure: June 20th

Cost: $2,500 dop

                     Covers housing, meals, and materials.

 *If more than one person is coming from your base there is a discount! The second (or more) person will only be $2,000 dop!

Language: Spanish & English


Hospitality Seminar Registration

If you would like to register for the hospitality seminar please fill out the form below. We will be in contact with you once we have received your registration!

What language(s) do you speak?

We are hoping to help encourage and equip both those leading the hospitality department at their base, as well as any staff that has a heart to see their base grow in this area! This is something that EVERY YWAM staff has a responsibility and a part of doing in their base. From DTS leaders to kitchen staff!

Some of the topics that we will cover

A young woman talking on the radio


Clear and accurate communication is often the difference between people feeling welcomed, safe, and integrated or them feeling lost, confused, and unsure. Learn what to communicate and how to do it!

Image by Marcus Loke

Preparing guest rooms

How to we physically welcome people? We want to meet the needs of our guests and make them feel welcome; but usually on very tight budget. How do we get creative in making our spaces welcoming?

Image by farinaz athari


Birthdays, graduations, holidays, etc! How do we do these things WELL? Lets talk about how make people feel valued or create an atmosphere of celebration in our YWAM bases and communities.

Image by Taylor Grote


Baking is one way to create for others enjoyment! We will teach you how to bake a few different items as well as cover basic baking skills.

© 2020 YWAM Santiago, DR

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